So I've been a bit slow in posting about this, but we finally bought a car. Not to replace Claude, but yes to replace Claude. We knew we would have had to up size from the Peugeot, which was only a three door (because the boot strangely counts as a door) to make room for the baby, but we said goodbye to Claude much earlier than we would have liked.
You may have noticed that the last few blogposts haven't included any photos. That's because my computer is currently having repairs done and I've been posting from my phone. Photos are much easier to do on the computer, but I will try and include a photo of our car somewhere in this post (to be honest, I'm not sure where in the post it'll turn up, but it'll be in here somewhere!).
The new car is a 2006 Mazda 3 sedan.
Features include:
Features include:
- black paint (wonderful in Aussie summers!),
- 6-speed manual (so you get into reverse by pushing the gear-stick down and to the left, very strange),
- red interior lights (so it feels like we're on an imperial ship),
- temperature control air-conditioning (no more too cold with air-con and too hot without it),
- 6 disk CD player (we could fit more than half of our Sherlock audiobook disks in at once if we wanted to!),
- Cruise control (which I really enjoyed using on our drive down to Melbourne yesterday),
- A sneaky aux plug (at first we thought there wasn't one, but I found it in the centre console with a little gap in the lid for the cable to poke out, how clever!),
- and the indicator is on the right side (the right side) because it's not a European car (sorry Claude).
We haven't named the car yet. Naming is tricky, and we've also got a far more important naming to think through at the moment. Any ideas for the name of our car?
Overall, we're very pleased with the car and thankful for God's provision: both in the money to buy it, and in our finding this car.
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