Wednesday, 2 July 2014

"Good News for Anxious Christians" book 'review'

This book was recommended to my class at college this year by one of our Mission and Ministry lecturers.  I've been wanting to read it all term but never really got the opportunity until the holidays.  J read it during semester and liked it so much that we bought it. 

The sub-title of the book is 'Ten practical things you don't have to do'.  I haven't finished reading it but what I have read has been such a soothe to my heart.  I've decided that I'd like to blog through the chapters of the book and share with you my highlights.  Hopefully you will find it helpful, as I have, and perhaps are even encouraged to read it yourself. 

In his preface Cary describes his book as an attempt to 'preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to Christians'.  His introduction is about why trying to be Christian makes us anxious and how we can see God's commands in the Bible as freeing us from anxiety rather than producing anxiety. 

Cary attacks what he calls 'the new evangelical theology' which has introduced supposedly practical ideas to help us in Christian life but which are not Biblical, and actually get in the way of believing the gospel. 

These are the areas he addresses in each chapter:
  1. Why you don't have to hear God's voice in your heart
  2. Why you don't have to believe your intuitions are the Holy Spirit
  3. Why you don't have to "Let God take control"
  4. Why you don't have to "Find God's will for your life"
  5. Why you don't have to be sure you have the right motivations
  6. Why you don't have to worry about splitting head from heart
  7. Why you don't have to keep getting transformed all the time
  8. Why you don't always have to experience joy
  9. Why "Applying it to your life" is boring
  10. Why basing faith on experience leads to a post-Christian future
There's so much of this that I'm looking forward to reading.  I hope you enjoy learning along with me as I read this book!

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